Friday, May 1, 2015

Body Scrubs

Our skin is our largest organ and well deserving of all the love we have to give. You hear me? All. The. Love.  If you never had a scrub, I suggest you get one.

Benefits of a body scrub:

  • Leaves you with smooth skin.
  • Removes dead skin cells.
  • Gives you a fancy glow.
  • Brightens tattoos.
  • Re-hydration is easier now that a layer has been taken off.
    I don’t want no scrubs, unless it’s a body scrub.
    I want that.

Our skin is so awesome that it:

  • Prevents outsiders, bacteria and germs from entering our bodies.
  • Cools us off and regulates our body temperature.
  • Protects the delicate and fascinating world beneath it.

Things you can do help your skin:

  • Stay hydrated! [Drink half your weight in ounces a day]
  • Get sun exposure but don’t go crazy.  
  • Remove your makeup every night.
  • Exfoliate!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy was the most beautiful experience of my life. I remember everything from the all-day sickness to her hiccups and kicks. Our bodies are magnificent vessels that go through extraordinary changes as they protect and nourish a growing baby. We are warriors.

One of my favorite modalities is prenatal massage.

It could be because I, too, have experienced the aches, pains, and discomforts associated with pregnancy. I was swollen, uncomfortable, and for weeks at a time, in lots of pain but it wasn’t enough for me to never want to do it again. Instead, it has motivated me to do all I can to provide comfort to another mother in need.

What happens to the muscles in a woman’s body during pregnancy?

As the child grows, so does the uterus.  Superior to the uterus lie abdominal muscles. During pregnancy the elasticity in these muscles increases allowing for extreme stretching. When one muscle is stretched there has to be another muscle that is working against it which will result in a contracted muscle. The muscles working against the abdominal muscles are our back muscles. These muscles become tight and stiff throughout the pregnancy. At some point in the pregnancy, women might experience sciatic pain and numbness due to pressure from swollen muscles pushing up against nerves.

I enjoy prenatal massages because they’re unlike any other modality.

Your body is a castle sheltering a king/queen. I am here to make sure there are no holes or cracks in your castle and that it can withstand any storm.  I perform my prenatal massages by having the woman lie on her side as she throws her leg up over a body pillow. This is natural and comfortable. She feels at home. I focus a lot of time on the back, elongating those tight muscles and letting them know it's okay to relax. I give attention to the shoulders, neck and head. The entire body, excluding the belly, gets massage while staying away from those sensitive areas that could potentially promote uterine contractions. Every stroke is applied with love and light.

Benefits of prenatal massage:

RELAXATION: Not just of the body but of the mind. Everything will be just fine.
Reduction of anxiety/depression: You can do this! You are doing it.
Reduction in edema/swelling: You lost your ankles but you’ll find them again. Trust me.
Reduction of pain: I can help with muscle pain. Can’t do much for the little fist stuck in your ribcage.

Please, when booking a prenatal massage, make sure you find a therapist that enjoys it. Your experience depends on it.

Now my belly is as noble as my heart.”  ~Gabriela Mistral

Monday, January 26, 2015

Stretches Using Chair

Story behind lesson: The other evening I was having a conversation with my daughter. We spoke about how her dad taught her to crawl and how her aunt, uncle, and I taught her to walk. As I began explaining to her that we didn’t necessarily teach her, I began to understand something about myself and probably everyone else on this planet.

The average child learns to walk around their first birthday.  It was just after Aria’s first birthday that we decided to prop her up on a couch and encourage her to make her way to the other couch just a few feet away. By the end of that afternoon, Aria was taking steps all on her own and all she needed to do was make the effort and push those little muscles.

Just like walking at 1, stretching can seem difficult but with determination, it can be done.  A muscle must be pushed, held, and slowly released in order for it to understand that the limits it has, have been placed there by you and not them. Unless you are a gymnast, there’s probably room for your muscles to go a little further.

Benefits of stretching:

  • improves flexibility
  • improves posture and performance
  • relaxes you
  • reduces chance of injury when exercising

Before stretching:

  • wear loose fitting clothing
  • warm up muscles with light cardio
    • jumping jacks
    • jump rope
    • dance to funky music
  • center yourself with deep breathing 
  • make time so you’re not rushing

Don’t hurt yourself:

  • take it slow
  • always keep knees and elbows slightly bent to avoid hyperextension of joints
  • go as far as your body will let you
  • as you take a deep breath go a little further, hold, then slowly release
  • if you have never stretched before I suggest you start with these neck stretches for a few days and see how you feel
  • keep your balance
  • don’t rush
  • breathe


The following exercises were performed using a sturdy chair
and I also had someone available if I got stuck in a tight situation.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

Different muscles will be stretched more than others depending on how deep you go into the stretch and the height of your chair. If you want to increase the degree of a stretch, for instance on your left gastrocnemius (calf) then you would get on your tiptoes using your left leg. Once comfortable, you'll have the ability to make changes and target specific muscles.

Stretches back, legs, hips and chest.
Stretches legs. The higher you reach, the bigger the stretch in your torso.
Leaning to either side will stretch your latissimus dorsi.
Stretches legs, back, hips and shoulders.
Stretches legs, torso and hips.

Stretches shoulders and chest.

 Do not attempt this stretch until you feel completely comfortable with the other exercises.
Stretches legs, hips, shoulders and back.